Oleg Mokhniuk

Hey there, I’m Oleg.
I am designer and engineer from Kyiv , based in Berlin .

Recent projects

My job mostly consists of designing and coding websites, web applications, design systems and complex web-interfaces. I also enjoy working on visual journalism projects.

Truth to Justice

Development and support of the website for conference.


Vue.js, CSS, Figma

The Bus That Never Arrives

Designing and implementing website for the soundscape project about Berlin's bus route #100


HTML, CSS, JS, Figma

Nature on the Edge

Implemented responsive layout for the project page and integrated it in existing website.


WordPress, HTML, CSS, JS, Figma

Unlimited Paper

Created a component library and designed landing pages for electronic price tags producer.

Designed mobile app for iOS and Android.


Figma, Webflow


As part of the team I took ownership of unifying design elements and design facelifting. Result of my work was a wundertax Design System, created as a Figma library.

Usage of the design system was kickstarted with building new pricing page for the website and onboarding flow, using new components.



Figma, React.js, TypeScript, Storybook, Wordpress, Hugo


I am currently available for hire. Feel free to contact me via email, add me on LinkedIn or follow on Instagram.